Sunday, January 20, 2013

Harsh Winter- Check In

I am not a fan of winter. Never have been. It's always dark, it's cold, it's dreary...It an ugly season in all of the sense. Your prone to get sick and have a running nose, slushy snow, you have to be all bundle up. I am a Caribbean girl and so I embrace the sun, the heat the long days, the freedom that comes with warmth. Just like how I describe winter is how I am feeling and I am sick of this feeling.

Anyhow although winter inspires me to do nothing here are some updates:

My hair- I can finally do a pony tail and it look some what decent and praise the Lord for that because those first two week were rough. I walked around with a scarf because I just didn't know what to do with my hair. It has grown. I took the Visical religiously but then by mistake my momma threw them out :(. I am still taking my prenatal vitamins though. I did measure and it had grew 2 more inches which is fast but I am not sure what is making it grow so fast. When my hair is dirty I do style it with pure coconut oil (I love that stuff and recommend it to anyone who wants HEALTHY hair). I miss my long locks but I am very much in love with my healthy locks. I also discovered that I still have some process hair in the front due to having bangs. Thats fine for April I'll cut some bangs once my hair is longer =]

My weight- I been doing better. I do feel more in control. I am letting go of my love white rice for a while now. I am logging in and I am slowly adapting to eating less and being more accountable for what goes in. Only Problem is that I have only been to the gym once this month. I need the gym. It helps me in many way and if I am kicking ass in these competitions I need to get to it. I haven't officially weighed myself and won't till Feb 7th so I am hoping for a 5-7 pound lost. We'll see.

Everything else- It's been going good. I am trying to let go and let God and at times I feel myself freaking about things but lately it's been less frequently. I do understand that what is going to happen will happen and thats okay to just let it play it out.

Well I just wanted to check in. Let you know I am alive! Winter has me kinda poop but I don't want it to defeat me either. Summer I have so much plans with you <3 .="." p="p">
Ciao Kiddies


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