Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The First Step

Long Hair Don't Care is something of my past I'v now crossed over to the "short hair" phase. I am not loving the cut but I am loving my natural hair, my shiny, healthy brand new looking hair. Here are some pics.

 Hair still with process in it 11.28.12
Short Hair

So there you have it! Cheers to some new changes.

My current hair measurements from the roots is 11.5 inches. We'll do a check in in a month!

Later honeys



  1. I liked 25 and growing up...I could relate...oh wells

    1. I think you'll like this one...give it some times...only difference is that you'll see more of a structure over here vs. 25 and growing up I was kind of all the places ;) look forward to sharing with you my experiences

  2. I think you look great either way! I'm doing the opposite and trying to keep it long.. but every day I just want to chop it off!


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-Ex Fat Gurl