As a child I had lots of unruly hair. It was hard to tame and I never ever cared for the time of day where my mother would put me in between her legs and make massive amounts of braids in order to attempt to keep it "tamed".
Really my "pajon" was or is a big ol fro of CURLY hair and if you don't have that type of hair managing it might be difficult or if you don't have the patience to deal with a spoil brat this def is a form of punishment from God to you known as a daughter with
I can't even remember the first time I was relaxed but I know I liked it! You relax your hair and you have that good ol bone straight hair. I would go every 6 months and get my hair relax with every 2 weeks going to get it blown out. This was normal to me to the point I thought everyone got relaxers. I didn't understand the harsh chemicals I was putting on my head or why it burned. All I knew was pain is beauty and relaxing is what they meant by that statement.
Fast forward to NOW. I know now or at least I can agree that there is no such thing as "good hair" Straight doesn't make it good and curly doesn't make it bad. Ignorance has taught my people that straight is good and curly is bad or nappy (a term I CAN'T STAND). While I have no problem with people who relax their hair (you do as you please) I decided there was no real need for me. If I go to a good Dominican woman to get a wash and set I can get the same results. So August '11 I decided to go Natural. Meaning I wasn't going to relax anymore...
Instead of doing one big ol chop (and if you have no prior history on hair and are interesting do a google search you'd be surprise on the stuff you find) decided to do frequent trims and stay away from the relaxer the first four months were tough my hair growth at the roots looked crazy and I wasn't sure how I would managed but with the help of blogs and some research I learn tricks to manage and after that it's been smooth sailing. My natural hair texture is beautiful and I can't wait to wear it natural! Right now I can't because I looks like a wet chicken when I try that. I have 2/3 natural hair which is curly/wavey and a third of it processed that equals not a good mix. So I am always with a bun/poney tail or I have it blown own/flat iron/ or curled using a wand which in itself can sometimes be harmful cuz of the heat.
Short hair is just not my thing so I would never do a "chop" but during my aha moment (refer to Monday's blog for that moment if you missed it) I realized I need to get rid of some baggage some process stuff and that included the need/want for me to get rid of my process hair which is still a big chunk! It might mean shorter then shoulder length hair ahhh- something I am just not used to.
I want to chop the process off and begin a ritual to grow long beautiful locks. So after doing careful research here is the plan in action:
I am going to drink pre-natal vitamins (random I know) but I heard it's good for hair plus for health reason my doctor advise this. So why not see how it plays into affect with my hair.
I am going to use coconut oil! Yup good ol coconut oil lol (I didn't know it existed until Khole posted a pic) for 3 month consistent. Later on I'll detail how I will be using it.
I am going to post progress pics and document my journey.
Why I feel the need to do this or rather why do I feel it's even a journey. Well a woman's hair is
So here it goes lets see what comes about all of this ;)
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-Ex Fat Gurl